Better Than a New Year’s Resolution


At the start of this new year, the quote above by Britain’s King George seems so appropriate, even though he spoke it to his “embattled people” at the beginning of World War II.

It reminds me about today’s “embattled people” around the world who are basically fighting a World War against an invisible enemy ~ Covid, along with many who are facing other unknowns and uncertainties in life.

Thankfully, as we stand at the gate of this new year, ready to move forward into the “unknown,” the wise words of King George still hold true today, and they are far better than any New Year’s Resolution we could declare: “Put your hand into the hand of God. That shall be to you better than any light, safer than a known way.”

  • “By your words I can see where I’m going; they throw a beam of light on my dark path.” Psalm 119:105 MSG
  • “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path.” Proverbs 4: 5 – 6 NIV
  • “And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left.” Isaiah 30:21 ESV
  • “Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.” Jeremiah 33:3 ESV

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