Tag Archives: St Anns Episcopal Church

All Welcome


St Anns Church

“I bow before You, looking to Your holy temple, and praise Your name, for Your unfailing love and Your truth; for You have placed Your name and Your word over all things and all times.” Psalm 138:2 (VOICE)

As my family rounded a corner on a winding coastal road in Maine, we came upon this inviting sea-side chapel. We were drawn to its entrance by a sign out front that said “All Welcome.” It wasn’t a Sunday, but the front door of the church was standing wide open, welcoming inside anyone who wanted to enter. The church, built with sea-washed stones, has been standing in this spot for over 125 years, creating a symbol of unwavering permanence ~ just like God’s unfailing love and truth.

While walking around the exterior of the church, I imagined all the extremes in climate that this little building had weathered through decades of time ~ from tempestuous tropical storms and hurricanes, to the massive nor’easters and piles of snowdrift during the harsh New England winters. Yet through it all, this enduring chapel has survived. As we passed through the front door of the church, we immediately felt a sense of peace. The effect that this little place of worship had upon us was awe-inspiring. We wanted to bask in the reverent atmosphere and linger in the presence of God.

And just like the front door of this stone church, God’s arms are open wide, welcoming anyone to come inside. You don’t have to enter a sea-side chapel to experience His peace. His unfailing love and truth are for everyone. He is our Rock in whom we can take refuge. You can linger in the presence of God right where you are today. No matter the phase in life you are going through at this moment, remind yourself that God has placed HIs name “over all things and all times.” He’s there in your most joyous moments as well as the dark and grungy times; your seasons of elation, as well as frustration; your mountain-top experiences and your deep-in-the-valley periods; your days of good health and those of pain and suffering. And through it all His unwavering truth and unfailing love are constant. Step inside and experience His peace…All are Welcome!

“The LORD is good, A stronghold in the day of trouble, And He knows those who take refuge in Him.” Nahum 1:7

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