Tag Archives: Salvation

The New You


orange and black sky text drybursh

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!
2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV)

Like a caterpillar metamorphosing into a beautiful butterfly, you are divinely transformed into a new creation when you become a child of Christ. At the moment you place your trust and faith in Jesus, you are emptied of the old self (the old has gone) and divinely reborn as a child of God (the new creation has come)! And just like the caterpillar after its mysterious metamorphosis process, that old life of yours is gone ~ it exists no more. Your newborn soul is fresh and unique, crafted by the Creator of the universe for His glory.  You are a brand new person, re-created on the inside, not simply an upgrade of an older version. Your mind, thoughts and purposes become God focused.

Don’t let the shame of your past or the guilt over former mistakes hold you captive ~ or cocooned ~ and keep you looking back with regrets. Through God’s unfathomable love and grace, your shame, guilt, and mistakes were nailed to the cross with Jesus.  Your Savior’s blood covered each and every sin so that you could become a new creation through Him.

Each time you see a beautiful butterfly, remind yourself that you are a marvelous new creation in Christ ~ the old has gone, the new is here!

“He who was seated on the throne said, ‘I am making everything new!’ Then he said, ‘Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.'” Revelation 21:5(NIV)
“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:2 (NIV)

The Good News of Good Friday


IMG_7286 - Version 2“~ the message concerning faith that we proclaim:  If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.  For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. 

Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord  will be saved.

Romans 8b-10, 13 (NIV)

Faith is not something we do. It is a response to what God has done already on our behalf…

The message of salvation is beautifully simple:

1. Believe in your heart and

2. Say with your mouth that Jesus Christ is the risen Lord.

“Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!”  2 Corinthians 9:15

He has risen!


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“Don’t be alarmed,” he said.

“You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified.

He has risen!

He is not here.

See the place where they laid him.

Mark 16:6


“Who believes what we’ve heard and seen?
    Who would have thought God’s saving power would look like this?

The fact is, it was our pains he carried—
    our disfigurements, all the things wrong with us.
We thought he brought it on himself,
    that God was punishing him for his own failures.
But it was our sins that did that to him,
    that ripped and tore and crushed him—our sins!
He took the punishment, and that made us whole.
    Through his bruises we get healed.

The plan was that he give himself as an offering for sin
    so that he’d see life come from it—life, life, and more life.
    And God’s plan will deeply prosper through him.

Out of that terrible travail of soul,
    he’ll see that it’s worth it and be glad he did it.
Through what he experienced, my righteous one, my servant,
    will make many “righteous ones,”
    as he himself carries the burden of their sins.
Therefore I’ll reward him extravagantly—
    the best of everything, the highest honors—
Because he looked death in the face and didn’t flinch,
    because he embraced the company of the lowest.
He took on his own shoulders the sin of the many,
    he took up the cause of all the black sheep.”

Isaiah 53:1,4-5,10-12 MSG

The suffering, death and resurrection of God’s only son, Jesus Christ, resulted in forgiveness made available to all mankind…including you!  No matter what you have done in your life, no matter what sort of sins or wrongdoings you have committed, no matter how unworthy you feel of God’s love, Jesus’ work on the cross included YOU.

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Romans 5:8

Believers in Jesus are forgiven in the sight of God, not by their own works, but by the great work of Christ, the Messiah, on the cross.  By claiming Christ as our Savior and Lord, believers are stripped of the condemnation brought on by their sins, and they are clothed in the goodness of Jesus.

 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

John 3:16

“Who believes what we’ve heard and seen?  Who would have thought God’s saving power would look like this?”

Do you believe in the saving power of Jesus Christ?

Do You Believe?


But He was pierced for our transgressions,
   He was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him,
   and by His wounds we are healed.

Isaiah 53:5 (New International Version 1984, ©1984)


As we anticipate Easter morning, let’s reflect on Christ’s unfathomable love for us. Before we ever came to be, He was thinking of us when He became the sacrifice for our sins on the cross. He was beaten and pierced for our iniquities. He took our eternal punishment the day He was nailed to the cross. And He conquered death forever on the day He arose from the grave.

The glorious result of His sacrifice is in sharp contrast to the torture and pain He endured for us. We can have peace and healing thanks to His suffering. Because of His undeserved punishment, we have an open invitation to spend eternity with our Savior in paradise. He died, so that we would have the opportunity to live with Him for eternity.

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son,

that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.

John 3:16


The gift of eternal life in heaven is available to all of us. No matter what wrongs we have done in this life, the Son of God provided forgiveness of all our sins when He died on the cross. The promise of God is that whoever believes
in His Son, Jesus Christ, will have eternal life. We could never be “good enough” to earn our way into heaven. All that is required from us is that we believe in Jesus Christ, who is the Son of God, the promised Messiah, the Prince of Peace, the sacrificial Lamb of God, our Lord and

….our Savior.

Take time during this Easter season to thank God for the ultimate sacrifice He made in our behalf and for His immeasurable love for us. Reflect upon your salvation from sins, and give praise and honor to our Savior, Jesus Christ. If you have been trying to figure out how you could be “good enough” to deserve God’s love, realize that you already have an open invitation to spend eternity with Him in heaven. Simply believe in Jesus Christ!

Know God by Heart



…Know God by Heart

“A servant of the Lord must not quarrel but must be kind to everyone,

Be able to teach, and be patient with difficult people.

Gently instruct those who oppose the truth.

Perhaps God will change those people’s hearts,

And they will learn the truth.”

2 Timothy 2: 24 – 25 TLB


A couple of years ago when my youngest son was in 2nd grade, he brought home a writing assignment on “How we should Treat Others.” As I read his simple words, my heart melted. It gave me insight into his pure heart, and made think about the fact that the world would be a much better place if everyone thought like this. I froze when I read the last line which says, “If someone doesn’t know God, teach them…don’t get on to them. Keep telling them.
Keep teaching them until they know God by heart.” With his 8-year-old hand, he had penned an elementary summation of Jesus’ Great Commission:

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”

Matthew 28: 19 – 20


I was immediately convicted at the thoughts of the many times I had shied away from “witnessing” to others. My little son understands the eternal importance of knowing God, and he realizes that others need to know Him as well. He believes that we should gently point them to our Heavenly Father. Now when I feel the nudge of the Holy Spirit encouraging me to share God’s love with someone, I remember my little boy’s words, and it gives me the confidence I need to speak up and not miss the opportunity to plant a seed for eternity.

Here’s the entire writing assignment…in his own words:

How we should Treat Others

By Thomas, age 8 🙂


  • Treat others how they want to be treated.
  • Help people like you’re helping God.
  • Treat people like they’re part of your family or like your best friend.
  • If someone is new or something, let them fit in with you.
  • If they are left out, introduce them to your friends.
  • You need to help someone like you’re helping God or a family member or your friend.
  • If someone is bored…do something with them!
  • Or if they don’t have anyone to play with, don’t leave them out.
  • Don’t be mean to the weak! Be caring and loving and kind.
  • Don’t judge people on how they look! Judge them by what’s in their heart.
  • If someone doesn’t know God, teach them…don’t get on to them. Keep telling them. Keep teaching them until they know God by heart.



“…and a little
child will lead them.” Isaiah 11:6




Strength from God


LORD, be gracious to us;
   we long for you.
Be our strength every morning,
   our salvation in time of distress.

Isaiah 33:2 (New International Version, ©2010)


 God is gracious, merciful, kind, and compassionate. His love for us is tender and eternal. In times of distress we feel drained of our energy and stamina. We are weak and lack stability. God’s omnipotent power is limitless, and His strength is boundless. No matter what distress
you are facing, ask Him to be your strength when you feel like you have none left. He will faithfully come to your rescue. Let the beauty of the sunrise each morning remind you that nothing is impossible for Him. Allow Him to strengthen you each day.

Heavenly Help


“But You Yourself (God) have seen trouble and grief,

observing it in order to take the matter into Your Hands.

The helpless entrusts himself to You;

You are (our) Helper…”

Psalm 10:14 (Holman)


God is watching over you

God is observing each minute of your life.  He sees everything you are going through.  Nothing is too difficult for Him to handle.  He wants to take your trouble and grief into His hands.  Entrust your life to Him and seek His Heavenly Help.


The Gift of Peace



”I leave peace with you;

I give *My* peace to you: 

not as the world gives do I give to you.   

 Let not your heart be troubled,

neither let it fear.” 

John 14:27 (Darby Translation)

What is True Peace?

The end result of the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives is deep, lasting peace.  This peace transcends our understanding, meaning it can never be completely understood.  It is a peace that is difficult to explain and must be felt in order to fully comprehend its meaning.  Worldly peace is usually defined as the absence of trouble or conflict, but the peace of Christ is a peace we have in the midst of the trouble or conflict.  This peace is confident assurance in any circumstance.  It is a sense of God’s wholeness, of everything coming together for good.  Heavenly peace comes from total trust in God.  With this kind of peace we don’t need to be afraid of the present or the future.  Peace of mind and heart is a precious gift.  The world cannot give this kind of peace, because this peace is a result of God watching over and guarding your mind and your heart. 

How do we obtain Heavenly Peace?

When you are in the midst of a crisis, worry, fear, doubt, and anxiety are constantly battling for your focus and energy.  A mind controlled by the flesh will race night and day, composing many what-if situations, and you will virtually live out the worst-case scenarios.  Keeping track of all the possible outcomes is exhausting.  So if you are in the middle of a life crisis and feel consumed with worry and fear, begin to shape your worries into prayers.  Let Christ know your concerns.  Lay your burdens at the foot of His cross.  Isaiah 26:3 tells us that “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.”  So perfect peace is dependent upon total trust in our Heavenly Father.  Fill your mind with the promises found in His Word.  Trust in His promises to you.  In other words, believe His promises:   trust that He has a plan for your life; trust that He causes all things to work together for good; trust that He knows how all the pieces of the puzzle in your life fit together; trust that He will use this trial to perfect your faith; trust that He is all we truly need; trust that He will carry you when you are too weak to move forward; trust that He will provide your comfort, your strength, your provision, your shelter from the storm, your protection; trust that He is your Rock and your Salvation; trust that He will be your guide and give you wisdom; trust that He will light your path; trust that He sees your distress and hears your cries for help; trust that He is always with you and will never leave your side; trust that He catches each one of your teardrops; and trust that nothing is too difficult for Him. 

What is the end result of Heavenly Peace?

We are instructed to “let the peace of Christ rule your hearts…”  (Colossians 3:12)  If we choose to let the Prince of Peace rule, then worry, doubt and fear will be banished from the kingdom of our hearts.  When we allow Christ to completely fill our hearts, He will completely displace all our distress.  When our hearts are overflowing with Christ instead of worry, God will stand guard over your heart and your mind, and He will bless you with a Heavenly Peace that no one can completely understand.


Rest for the Weary


“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened,

and I will give you rest.” – Matthew 11:28


Are you carrying a burden that seems to heavy to bear?  Do you need “rest” in your life?  The above verse offers hope to weary travelers in life.  Your burden may be financial, health, relational or work related, but in any case, you can find rest in the arms of Jesus Christ.  At this moment you may feel worn out in strength, energy or zest for life because of a battle you are facing alone.  You may be exhausted and all your pleasure may be drained.  You can find peace in the midst of your troubles by praying to Christ and laying your encumbrances at His feet.  He may not remove the trials from your life, but He will give you strength to face each moment, and He can provide a refuge from the storm which is raging all around you. 

His peace is the only true rest we will ever know.  With Him, you are never alone in this life.  Seek Him today…

Getting Your Hands Dirty


“Getting your Hands Dirty”


40A man with leprosy came to him and begged him on his knees, “If you are willing, you can make me clean.”

41Filled with compassion, Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!” 42Immediately the leprosy left him and he was cured. Mark 1:40 – 42 NIV

Leprosy was an incurable, disabling skin disease which terrified people. In keeping with Jewish Law, lepers were considered unclean and were unable to participate in any religious or social activity. They were the ultimate outcasts of Jewish society. They were banned to live in leper colonies outside the main areas of the cities and were not allowed to mingle with the healthy population.

However, when Jesus saw this diseased, leprous man, he had compassion on him. Despite his visual appearance and all the dictates of Jewish law, Jesus reached out and TOUCHED this man with his hand of healing. This reaction went against every belief of all those people who were watching. Jesus looked beyond the disease and saw inside the man. In doing so, Jesus demonstrated a valuable example to his followers. The real value of a person is on the inside. Outward appearances of a person’s body may be deformed or diseased, but the person inside is no less valuable to God. No person is too disgusting or disfigured or diseased for God’s touch.

In a sense we have all been diseased and deformed by the ugliness and disfigurement of sin, and we could, therefore, be considered leprous in the eyes of God. Instead of looking away from us in disgust, God had compassion on all sinners when He sent His son, Jesus, who touched us with love and forgiveness and gave us the opportunity to be healed.

When is the last time you got your “hands dirty” in the name of Jesus? When your feel repulsed by someone, take a moment and think about how God feels about that person…and how he feels about you. Stop and ask yourself, “What would Jesus do in that same situation?”